American Fork State Disctrict Court
The State of Utah intended to build a new courthouse for the District Court of American Fork which had outgrown its old space.
Having outgrown their old space, the State District Court of American Fork, Utah, intended to build a new courthouse. Capitalizing on storage and anticipating future growth was foremost in the design plan.
The staff at American Fork State District Court knew from experience that saving space was extremely important even in a new building. They demanded a system that would store existing court records and trial evidence efficiently, but also anticipate future growth.
Aurora products helped to design a storage system that would provide much more capacity than standard filing cabinets in a footprint using 50% less space. Their needs assessment for the District Courthouse revealed additional requirements to store evidence that could not be maintained in standard filing cabinets. the solution was to utilizing a combination storage and filing system to include Aurora Quik-Lok Shelving and an Aurora Mechanical Assist Low Profile Mobile System. The unusual layout features a “U”- shaped perimeter of shelving surrounding the high density mobile system. In total, the Aurora Mobile contains seven 15-foot long carriages on track with Twin Ramp. Installation of Twin Ramp dramatically reduced the labor and time to complete the system. Aurora Low Profile carriages allow American Fork District Court to use every bit of space, while maintaining the appropriate clearance for sprinkler fire codes. Aesthetics and efficiency were important to the court staff, so the designer provided both An attractive two-tone look for the system blends Birch colored shelving with a patterned laminate for the mobile end panels. Handy reference shelves installed throughout the system, allow users to work efficiently while filing.
American Fork Court’s new system met the goal of increasing capacity, and economizing space, but it provided an added benefit. It was cost effective as well.